The letter R is in the monthl

The R is in the month again! This is the time of colds, flu and stiff necks. The abrupt change in weather, the rain, the biting wind and our tendency to stick out that neck and shoulder above the duvet at night cause these problems.

This is when animals get ready for hibernation and start building up winter supplies. This also applies to us. We still have some time to enjoy the beautiful autumn harvest before the period for the pickled vegetables and dried apples starts. It is therefore important to replenish all stocks well before our body goes into hibernation. This also applies to vitamins. Now that there is less sunlight, we make less vitamin D. Some people say it should be, others swear by taking vitamin D during the R in the month. What is wisdom?

Do what feels right to you!

With our current diet of food from jars, packets and bags, we get fewer vitamins than in the past. On the other hand, we can buy and eat fresh vegetables all winter long. It is seen that many pain patients consume more vitamins and minerals because of the pain than people who are not in pain. Supplementing, especially in autumn and winter, is therefore not a luxury.

It is quite difficult to get an overdose of most vitamins. However, vitamins and minerals are interrelated and can have an effect on each other. Therefore, keep a close eye on what your body is indicating and ask for help from an (alternative) doctor or therapist if necessary.

The most important vitamins at a glance:

Vitamin A

This vitamin helps against infections and it has a positive effect on your eyesight. This fat-soluble vitamin is mainly found in liver, fish and butter. The coloring in carrots contains beta-carotene which is the precursor of vitamin A. That is why carrots are so healthy. This substance is found in all (brightly) colored vegetables such as orange, beetroot, tomato, pepper, etc.

Vitamin B complex

It was thought that there was only one vitamin B. However, there are several forms (B1-B12) which each have their own function. Vitamins B are water soluble and all play a role in energy management. Some also have an effect on the health of our nervous system.

Everyone is familiar with vitamin B11 (folic acid) and vitamin B12. B11 and B12 provide more energy and are taken in the morning. However, did you know that vitamin B6 is especially needed in the evening? Without vitamin B6 you cannot make melatonin (Melanie) making it difficult to fall asleep. If you have trouble falling asleep, then supplement your vitamin B6 in the active form about half an hour before going to sleep. Please note that there are no vitamins B11 and B12 in this complex, otherwise you will not sleep at all. Golden Milk also helps with the production of melatonin.

Are you already taking a vitamin B complex but you don't feel a difference? Then try a vitamin B complex in the active form, your body does not need to convert this. If you do notice a difference, then you know that your body has shortages of the minerals (such as magnesium) that are needed to convert vitamins B from the inactive form (in our food) to the active form (in our blood).

Most B vitamins are found in animal products. Vegetarians and vegans therefore have to be more careful about a vitamin B deficiency than people who eat meat and fish.

Vitamin C is both water-soluble (ascorbic acid) and fat-soluble (ascorbyl palmitate).

The brain is protected by a so-called blood-brain barrier, you can see this as customs. All normal water-soluble substances do not get through, on the other hand fat-soluble substances are allowed to pass through.

Vitamin C is mainly found in (red) bell peppers and citrus fruit. It is also often added to increase the shelf life of products. Excess vitamin C is passed out in your urine. This puts a higher burden on your kidneys, but it has not been proven to have any negative consequences.

Vitamin D

This vitamin provides healing, healing of bones, wounds, injuries. A poisoning value is known for almost all substances on earth. Not for vitamin D. It has never been shown that a high dose of vitamin D can lead to death. I know people who have taken a million units a day and felt good about it. Yet there is always a very strict warning about the dangers of too much vitamin D. I don't know why this is, except that vitamin D can heal old injuries even after years. Perhaps that is why vitamin D is so dangerous for healthcare. After all, you don't earn anything from healthy patients.

Can you take a lot of vitamin D with impunity? No, you won't hear me say that either. I myself notice that I have to balance vitamin D and magnesium very well. Magnesium is needed to absorb vitamin D. If you are deficient in magnesium, you will not be able to absorb vitamin D. But an excess of vitamin D that has to be removed binds the magnesium (which is then also removed). If I take too much vitamin D, my magnesium deficiency will increase. The more vitamin D I take, the more magnesium I need.

Vitamin D is fat soluble and is found in animal products (especially meat and fatty fish). Vegetarians and vegans therefore have a greater chance of a vitamin D deficiency, especially in the winter months with little sun.

Vitamin E

A delicious vitamin that can be easily absorbed by the skin. That's why I prefer to use vitamin E oil.

Did you know that a mixture of vitamin E oil and vitamin C powder helps very well against all kinds of skin ailments? Mix into a paste and apply to the cut, ulcer, pimple, itching spot, rash, etc. If necessary, secure with gauze or plaster to protect the clothing.

Vitamin E aids in the production of red blood cells and the repair and maintenance of tissues (such as muscles and skin). There is no known poisoning value of vitamin E. Real deficiencies have also not been demonstrated. Vitamin E is mainly found in nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruits.

Vitamin K

This vitamin ensures blood clotting. Bacteria in the gut make this vitamin for us. However, babies younger than 3 months do not yet have these bacteria. That is why babies receive extra vitamin K to prevent (brain) bleeding. It has not been shown that an excess of vitamin K can cause problems. However, people taking anti-coagulants should pay attention to how much vitamin K they ingest with food. Vitamin K consists of two parts K1 that is found in vegetable oils, fruit, dairy and bread. And vitamin K2 that you get with cheese, egg, meat and dairy.

Disorders that affect the intestinal flora and also the use of antibiotics can temporarily limit the amount of vitamin K and thus reduce blood clotting. This is quickly resolved with an intestinal preparation. There are no known cases of severe vitamin K deficiency in adults.

What is your experience with vitamins (complexes)?

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Minerals, Suppletion, Vitamins

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